
2012 Florida Gold Cup Personal Video

Published : September 21, 2012

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I am offering a special deal for this years Gold Cup Series. If you sign up for the entire series, I will will discount each round $20. Saving you $100 by the end of the serties. Price per round is $80 per round or $60 per round if you sign up for all 5 rounds.

Gold Cup Schedule:
Sep. 29th – Gatorback-Practice (1/2 day SX, 1/2 day MX)
Sep. 30th – Gatorback – Race
Oct. 6th –    Thundercross Practice
Oct. 7th –    Thundercross Race
Oct. 13th –  Dade City Practice
Oct. 14th –  Dade City Race
Oct. 20th – Reddick Practice
Oct. 21st –  Reddick Race
Oct. 27th – Gatorback-Practice (1/2 day SX, 1/2 day MX)
Oct. 28th – Gatorback – Race

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